Disconnecting ... it's not a bad thing
I know I post about social media obsession and disconnect. Maybe it's because I'm getting older and the glamour is wearing off. For...
ohohohohoh! Blogging yay!
So, a friend of mine may be able to restore my blog posts I lost last year. I've missed my blog so much. all these years of blog posts....

Blogging & Sharing & a MacBook
WELL HOLY SMOKES ... I just uploaded this damned post and get a message from Wix to download a freaking app for updating my website and...
Okay ... Email went Wonky ... but it's back
So, yesterday I realized that my emails weren't coming through. I have had a hell time with creocommunico shutting down. The lack of...
Next up on my agenda with my blog saga
I was able to log into my cpanel and back up my files to my 100 year old macbook. Next up is to see if wix will work with me on putting...