I’ve been spinning a lot. Sunday was my day to take pics of yarn and handwoven scarves, table runners and towels and upload to my Faerie Fabrications page.
Currently, my domain name for my fiber arts is pointed to Etsy, but I’m considering moving my fiber arts to my Faerie Made page. Not sure yet. Faerie Fabrications
On a positive note, I’ve had a few sales of my yarn. Folks I know, but it’s a start! I’ve been spinning a lot and studying and trying all sorts of different methods.
Weaving is picking up. I’ve got quite a few projects in the works and someone wants me to weave a shawl for her daughter. Waiting for her color choices so I can get the warp wound.
This week I’m finishing up some handwoven towels of which 2 are already spoken for and adding on more. I need to wind a warp for more. And I’ve also got a dyeing day planned for warps for scarves.
I’m excited to do more dyeing.
